Thursday, October 31, 2013

Halloween 2013: Sad for Leia

With Annie as a black bunny and Leia as Luna Harry Potter we were ready for Halloween! This year we did something different. We went to Jonas neighborhood. Jonah was dressed as a character from clone wars. Almost all of my pictures are blurry because the kids ran so fast from house to house. The sad thing was, it wasn't long before Leia lost her very special wind from Olivanders in the wizarding world. She cried while I went back to search the entire neighborhood with what light was left. We never found it. I talked to lay out all about how I was sure that St Nicholas could find it for Christmas. Leia kept saying, "I love you mom. Thank you so much for talking with me." I took her right to the store to buy her three bags of candy, because she didn't get to trick or treat much. Kind of a hard night, but we salvaged it by gorging ourselves on sweets ... and making costumes for kitties. ;-)


Anonymous said...

Happy halloween!
Love April

Anonymous said...

I tried to access the blog at school. I could see the text but not the pictures. :-(. So now I'm checking it at home; but I couldn't remember my log in and password. I'm posting as anonymous. Hope you can still see it.
I'll sign my posts
Love April
Because it's your sister April :-)