Sunday, October 27, 2013

Happy Eleventh Birthday, Leia!

Today began with Leia opening a few presents (a "realistic looking bunny" and a Fidget or two), ... only a few because her big birthday gift was a laptop. Then it was time for lots of family and friends to arrive: Oma, Papa, Shana, Bob, Harvest, Casey, Tom and Elaine! ... In time to open the BIG gift from Oma and Papa:  a REAL bow and arrow! We played the song from Brave & headed out for Shana and Harvest to show Leia how! It wasn't long before she was hitting the target!  Back inside, Leia opened the Hogwarts Library from Oma & a beautiful Belle (a.k.a "Kimber") & some special, sparkly kitty bookmarks from Shana. Then it was time for dinner and cake! Leia ened the day by coloring page after page of Japanese Kokeshi dolls from Shana.


artsyclay said...

Hello! I didn't know it was Leia's birthday - happy birthday from Judy!

Anonymous said...

Cool bow and arrow cake.
Happy birthday Leia