Thursday, June 12, 2014

A Special Connection with Layla Raber

From the very beginning, possibly from the last time we visited Marlene and her family in Ohio, when Layla and Marlene saw the rainbow with us, always a symbol of our friendship. It is since then that Layla and I have had a special connection. It's been really interesting and wonderful and strange, it is definitely a connection to Marlene through this particular child. Layla was the one that struggled the most with the death of her mother and because of the different things that I sent her such as pictures and rainbows and such, Layla connected me directly with Marlene. It was so incredibly special, and so much like a family connection, that I taught Leyla the special "jumpin' hug," just like I taught my girls and Zachary. Layla was always wanting to hold my hand, always wanting to be held, always wanting to be with me. Because I don't have a snuggler of my own, it was an extra special blessing! One of the results of this connection was an extra number of pictures of Layla! I thought I would share this collection here, just to cement the connection and the memory in my mind.

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