Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Leia's Letters from Camp

Leia's beautiful letters from Camp Willow Run always contained beautiful poetry! I was so proud of her! Here are two of her poems:

By the Lakeside
The breeze carries the scent of soil, water, and trees
Past my nose.
I can hear the geese honking and squawking as they drift effortlessly
Across the lake.
The soothing sound of waves and water
Are like a lullaby.
The Sun shines on a new morning,
As I watch, listen, smell, and live
By the lakeside. 

The Morn of a Summer Day
A cool wind blows across the bay,
Sailboats waiting to sail today,
The sky will stay a beautiful grey,
On the morn of a summer day.

Mist of the Water
A cool morning after a light rain,
The shore is silent except for lonely birds
Calling across the cove as mist
Drips and swirls across the water,
And as the Sun peeks from high clouds,
It rises.

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