Sunday, July 10, 2016

Annie's Camp Greenville 2016 (Camp Perspective)

While Leia's camp pictures are fairly self explanatory, Annie's require a bit more explanation... Or perhaps I just know more about them because Annie was sitting beside me and excitedly told me about each one. The first few are from "Chapel" at Pretty Place. The third picture is from Ellie's birthday. It is pretty cool when your cabin have a birthday during camp. They had a pinata in the cabin filled with candy! The next few pictures are all about the blue team vs the black team in some kind of Star Wars game they played using die placed in socks and a tag type of game where they had to give high fives to get them out of the freeze. There is also a picture of the girls at something called "pack out" where they sleep in a shelter and they make Smores and Hobos, which the girls want to make it home full of ground beef onions potatoes, etc. The most important event captured here is Annie's archery tournament. You can see her shooting her arrow and hitting the target on the bullseye (or at least "on the line")! We are so proud of her! Finally, there are pictures from the Banana Olympics, where the kids decorated a banana and had to keep it "alive." One of the pictures is them using a sheet to lift the banana into the air while they're counselor, Lindsay, had to catch it in a bucket. There are also a couple of pictures from a nice skit at the closing campfire. :-)

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