Sunday, July 10, 2016

Annie's Camp Greenville 2016 (Our Perspective)

Annie had been chomping at the bit to go to camp Greenville since Leia came back. :-) Annie was so very excited, especially after we got her a rolling duffle bag! At first, Annie was a bit worried about the swim test, so when we went to the lake, Leia showed us exactly how far Annie had to swim and back and told us that then Annie would have to do two minutes of treading water. I went out in between the two docs in our Cove, and waited for Annie. She swam out doing one of the two allowed strokes which were freestyle and breast stroke, and then she made it back to our dock! She then successfully tred water for 2 minutes! By that time, she was very confident she could complete the swim test. In later pictures you will see the special necklace that she got to wear showing that she could be in the very deepest water at the lake and jump off the 12 foot tower! Annie was so excited even about packing. She decorated her bag with all sorts of keychains and things! When we arrived at Camp Greenville, we found out that she was in the cabin SS Lake and that her counselor was the same one layer had! Lindsay is a very good counselor! Just like Leia, Annie was really ready for us to go, but she did have us put her sheet on the bed first. :-) there were no tears at all! When we came back, Annie ran to us, and I thought she was running to give me a jumpin' hug, but really she was running to see kitty! We brought her beloved bunny to come and get her from camp as well! Annie was so happy to hold Kitty, and you can see the surprise on her counselors face when she realized that it was a real bunny and that all the children were going to be able to pet the bunny! Annie had a wonderful time at camp, her only complaint was that she was still in division 1 at age 9. Next year she will be in division 2 and get to participate in many of the activities she couldn't be in this year, like high ropes and riflery and zip line. Any absolutely loved camp and is committed to next year!

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