Sunday, June 19, 2016

Leia's Camp Greenville 2016 (Our Perspective)

We were so blessed to have Grandpa and Grandma send Leia off to Camp Greenville for a week the summer! Camp Greenville is over 100 years old, and Leia and Annie are the second generation to go to camp here. When we got there, all Leia wanted us to do was leave. :-) She was ready for independence! Throughout the week, we sent her care packages and looked for her pictures online. We missed her a lot, but we were so glad she had fun! When I picked her up, she ran to me just like she used to when giving me a jumpin' hug! She was so happy to see us! She also had transformed, with her hat backwards and wearing many many mood rings! She was thrilled to let us meet her counsellors (one of them from Brazil!) and cabin mates and told us she was committed to coming back next year. Then Leia talked for 2 straight hours, with Annie listening so intently that I had to take a picture of her face in the car as well. We let Leia choose where to eat that day, and she chose PF Changs. She was absolutely thrilled with her fortune that said, "Your  adventurous spirit will lead you on a filling path." Leia is so proud of that fortune that she now keeps it in her phone case. Thank you Camp Greenville! Thank you Grandpa and Grandma!

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