Monday, August 22, 2016

Fist Day of School 2016

4th Grade & 8th Grade ... yes, Annie is making a bunny face, ... and yes, we still read "The Kissing Hand" ... and yes, Mamma's love still goes with them wherever they go.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Annie's Recycled Art Peacock

... someone is SUPER proud!

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Edisto 2016: A Final Botany Bay Drive

Edisto 2016: Last Beach Sunrise ... Together!

... complete with Annie's usual photobomb, a bunny drawn in the sand, and a perfect oyster to complete the family art project!

Friday, August 12, 2016

Edisto 2016: Last Sunset

Annie joined me & we saw that strange phenomenon again where the rays are on the opposite horizon! ... We also saw "dancing guy," who just stood facing the sunset ... dancing. We talked about marching to the beat of a different drummer and how that was "okay." :-) He made us laugh. :-)

Edisto 2016: My Bikram Yoga Studio This Week

... complete with "happy spider," a perfect point of focus. (Annie insists its the same one as last year.) ;-) With the exception of when I got stung by jellyfish, I did Bikram Yoga every day for an hour after returning from the beach. It couldn't have been a more beautiful setting.

Edisto 2016: Last Beach Day & Ray!

... someone did a catch-and-release of a pretty ray today! Glad we got to see it!

Edisto 2016: Family Photos

... in front of the eucalyptus tree and "Sweet Dreams"

Edisto 2016: Annie & "Squid"

Edisto 2016: Friday Sunrise

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Edisto 2016: Fountain Crafts

We chose the "plain" fountains before we came.  Little did we know we would see baby loggerhead turtles on our first evening!  Leia's is a little different, and she chose to do hers at home.  Basically, the crafts involve lots of shells and hot glue!  As for the family one, I still need to attach the horseshoe crab shell & a shell at the top witb a very large hole for a beach photo. First picture is Annie's ... she did it ALL ON HER OWN!  Second pic is the family one. The last picture is the "pre" fountain ... which is really all gray except for the turtles.  What special memories!

Edisto 2016: Visiting Mary

Always have to couple a trip to Edisto by visiting Shana's Mary at St. Stephen's Catholic Church. She had a new retaining wall this year.