Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Leia's Living Stations of the Cross

There are no words to express how touched we all were by these living stations, as is the tradition during the 8th grade year! Leia, Annie, and I have been to every single performance since we moved here in 2008. I long for the day that my daughters would be a part of them! Now, here is Leia as both a woman in the crowd and the angel proclaiming Jesus resurrection! I could not hold back the tears of joy! I was looking forward to this more than graduation. There were many more pictures taken during the rehearsal, but they were made into a special book that should accompany this blog. There was even a little miracle found in the cloak of Jesus right at the moment of death. If you look closely at the wrinkles, you can see a shadowy figure of Mary holding the baby Jesus! I took this to mean that both Mary and Jesus has greatly blessed this 8th grade class. Tears were shed by all. Set to the score of The Passion of the Christ, the entire performance was incredibly moving!

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