Monday, August 21, 2017

Celebrating the Total Solar Eclipse on 8.21.2017

The pictures tell the story. The moment of totality was amazing with the Earth looking very strange, almost in a dream like State and then also the shadow bands that we had to look up and didn't understand why there were these strange little flickers of light on the ground. The whole experience was awesome! Being on the roof was incredibly hot, and it was frustrating when the moment of totality was almost missed due to a cloud, but Mama drove quickly and we saw it! The other really neat thing was that the camera would reflect the actual Eclipse moment in a negative on the lens. This was captured in each picture. Another post will follow. And of course, Mama celebrated with the girls with lots of crafting! And treats! There are a few pictures taken through the glasses.  Those are the ones with Darkness surrounding the  sun Crescent.  All regular pictures just look like a regular sunshine , with a negative of the eclipse where it was. At the moment of totality, I kept trying to look through the glasses and Leia kept yelling "Mama, take the glasses off!" It was at that moment that Annie and I were both able to see the diamond ring effect exhibited in the photos. So exciting!

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