Monday, August 21, 2017

Eclipse Conspiracy Theory

I just wanted to include this embarrassing side note of my worry about a particular conspiracy theory. Somehow I stumbled upon a YouTube video about the solar eclipse and how it signaled the end of the world. Supposedly the total solar eclipse combined with a future partial solar eclipse create an x right over our area and is supposed to be the place where Planet X crashes, or something cataclysmic happens. Other sources said that planet x could be seen if you took a picture of the sun, which I found out later was just the lens negative reflection that you can see in the eclipse photo included. And then Mama freaked out because Venus was so bright in the sky and because my star tracker app wouldn't update due to a dead area, it didn't record it as Venus for the first few times. But the most interesting part of the conspiracy theory was biblical from Revelation. Basically, we are supposed to look to the skies for the end times. In Revelation it talks about a woman crowned with 12 stars with the sun and the moon at her feet she is laboring to give birth and when she does a dragon is poised to Devour the child. The most interesting thing is that Virgo, the Virgin who is also often associated with the Virgin Mary, was posed in the sky on September 23rd. Usually she would have a crown of only Nine Stars because the constellation Leo is at her head, but on that exact day three planets would align there to create the 12 Stars. The other surreal thing is that Jupiter had been hovering in Virgo's belly for exactly nine months only to come out on September 23rd between Virgos legs simulating birth. The dragon constellation called Draco is at her feet and, finally, so were the sun and the Moon. This is the first time ever in the history of the planet that this has happened, and it worried me. September 23rd would come and go without event, thank God! But on September 23rd I used my star tracker app to record, or take a screenshot, of the sky to show the aligned 12 stars and Jupiter in Virgo's belly. It was just a conspiracy theory that seemed legitimate to me. How glad I am that it was false! I even went as far as to ask Shana if the whole family could come and live with them to live off the land of something cataclysmic happened. I'm so glad it didn't!

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