Thursday, March 29, 2018

Together with Bunnies & Friends

Here you will see myself and the girls loving on bunnies, and then inviting Annie's friend, Luz and Leia's friend Becky to do the same.

Find the picture where it looks like Annie and her younger self are BOTH enjoying the bunny!

Baby Bunny in a Wine Glass

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Baby Bunny (Jobee) One Week Old

An Easter Surprise (Epic Fail)

What I thought would be a cute bunny hatching out of an egg ended up failing. Each bunny would always fall asleep only to be startled awake, and then scramble around with a half-egg on its head! We had a really good laugh together today!

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Leia's Freshman Showcase

Each year at Early College, the students have a different focus. This year, in her Freshman Portfolio, Leia discovers even more about herself. (Future years will focus on career and college.) 

After completing the portfolio, there is a Showcase where all students display and present their work. Everyone came! All of the grandparents! And Annie, of course. What follows are pictures of Leia's friends' portfolios as well, followed by Leia's portfolio prep and then her symbol. LEIA WON FIRST PLACE!

Leia's Symbol for Freshman Showcase

Freshman portfolio Entry 5

Cross, my faith is my core. 
Sunrise, my future.
Rays of the Sun, my hopes and dreams. Clouds, future challenges. 
Silver lining, challenges will make me stronger. 
Triangle my 3 core values: courage wisdom and strength. 
Top triangle corner, courage
Right corner, strength
Left corner, wisdom
Green circle, my mom my source of courage Red circle, my sister who challenges me to be strong
Blue circle, my dad, my source of knowledge. Yellow circles my mentors
Teale circle my friends
Purple circles my grandparents
Lines connecting circles, my relationships with them 
Unconnected lines, future relationships
Cat and Bunny, my kindness for people, nature, and animals
Sword, my sense of adventure
Wizard staff, my creativity
Wood, nature inspires me
Gem, tangible things I create like art
Light, my ideas stories and mental creations

(This symbol will continue to give me hope.)

Monday, March 26, 2018

Driving with Bunnies

One of Annie's favorite activities! 

Bunnies Meet Becky & Luke

Today, Leia asked if we could bring the bunnies to her high school to meet her friends Becky and Luke. They were enthralled! 

Saturday, March 24, 2018

Annie Writes About the Parkway 3/20/19

As a sixth grade writing assignment, and he was asked to write a paper on how Nature has affected her. This is what she wrote. I am amazed! ...

Living in the mountains of North Carolina is a unique experience.  Local to the mountain region is the Blue Ridge Parkway, a place of many adventures.  This historic highway combined with my lifestyle makes me feel carefree.

After school, during the beautiful season of autumn, my mother will often take us for a drive on the Blue Ridge Parkway (sometimes accompanied by small furry creatures:  bunnies). Driving along the winding roads, my mother lets me and my sister stand out of the sunroof of our silver Hyundai Sonata.  The wind blowing through my hair cools my body and mind. 

Looking in the back seat, I see four small furry bunnies huddled in the corner of their carrier.  I take one, its white fur spotted tan, and hold it up to the edge of the sunroof. Rabbits have always been an important part of my connection to nature throughout my twelve years of life.  I’ve had more rabbits than I’ve had years of life.  The bunny snuggles against me while we both enjoy the cool fall breezes. 

We pull over at an overlook in order to marvel at the mountains and to let the bunnies have a taste of being free.  Gazing at the beautiful landforms, each spotted with orange, red, yellow, brown and a little bit of green, I think of how long they’ve been here, how wise they are and how many changes they’ve witnessed. As I sit in my Crazy Creek chair, the four small life forms huddle under my knees for protection.  A friendly smile sweeps across my face. I sense that the bunnies feel safe.  As we pack up our chairs and settle the rabbits back in our car, we drive off, watching the sun slowly sink down into the horizon. 

The connection between nature and I grows stronger every time we take a calming drive on our favorite mountain road:  Blue Ridge Parkway.  Listening to my music, I ponder all the wonderful feelings of peace, leaving my anxiety behind.  The climate and landscape of Western North Carolina make me grow appreciative of God.

Bunnies Getting Older! HAPPINESS!