Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Leia's Symbol for Freshman Showcase

Freshman portfolio Entry 5

Cross, my faith is my core. 
Sunrise, my future.
Rays of the Sun, my hopes and dreams. Clouds, future challenges. 
Silver lining, challenges will make me stronger. 
Triangle my 3 core values: courage wisdom and strength. 
Top triangle corner, courage
Right corner, strength
Left corner, wisdom
Green circle, my mom my source of courage Red circle, my sister who challenges me to be strong
Blue circle, my dad, my source of knowledge. Yellow circles my mentors
Teale circle my friends
Purple circles my grandparents
Lines connecting circles, my relationships with them 
Unconnected lines, future relationships
Cat and Bunny, my kindness for people, nature, and animals
Sword, my sense of adventure
Wizard staff, my creativity
Wood, nature inspires me
Gem, tangible things I create like art
Light, my ideas stories and mental creations

(This symbol will continue to give me hope.)

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