Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Annie's Alien Science Project

Venus is the second planet away from the sun just behind mercury.
108.2 million km away from the sun
It’s radius mesures 6,051.8 km
“Since Venus and Earth are almost the same size and have about the same mass, the surface gravity on Venus is almost the same as the surface gravity on Earth. The surface gravity on Venus is about 91% of the surface gravity on Earth, so if you weigh 100 pounds on Earth, you would weigh 91 pounds on Venus” Venus’s gravitational pull is 6.52 km/h (very similar to earth.
116d 18h 0m for one rotation
225 days for one revolution
Air on Venus
The atmosphere of Venus is very hot and thick. You would not survive a visit to the surface of the planet - you couldn't breathe the air, you would be crushed by the enormous weight of the atmosphere, and you would burn up in surface temperatures high enough to melt lead.

The atmosphere of Venus is made up mainly of carbon dioxide, and thick clouds of sulfuric acid completely cover the planet. The atmosphere traps the small amount of energy from the sun that does reach the surface along with the heat the planet itself releases. This greenhouse effect has made the surface and lower atmosphere of Venus one of the hottest places in the solar system! Why should Venus and not the Earth have a hot and thick atmosphere? Some scientists call it the Goldilocks phenomenon. Venus is the closest planet to us

Image result for does venus have a tilted axis
The axial tilts of Venus, Uranus and Pluto are greater than 90 degrees for the following reasons: Venus: Venus is rotating very slowly in a retrograde direction, opposite to the direction of planets like Earth, so yes venus has a tilted axis. When the earth’s axis is only  23.3 degrees relative to our orbital plane.
Venus’s atmosphere is very think and that makes wind move very slowly and it doesn’t have precipitation or very exciting whether It is also the hottest planet in the Solar System, experiencing mean surface temperatures of 735 K (462 °C; 863.6 °F). Above the dense CO² layer, thick clouds consisting mainly of sulfur dioxide and sulfuric acid droplets scatter about 90% of the sunlight back into space.
Image result for venus's surface features
Meteor Craters. The surface of Venus has been smoothed by recent lava flows and by interaction with the corrosive atmosphere. However, there are various examples of meteor craters.venus has basaltic crust
Yes, Venus is also close to the sun, but its gravity is strong enough to be able to hold a Moon. And yet it doesn't have one. There are two primary theories to explain this. The first theory purports that Venus did have a Moon, but the sun stole it away, like in Mercury's case
No rings, day only for da gas giants
The mass of Venus is 4.868×1024 kg
The first person to point a telescope at Venus was Galileo Galilei in 1610. Even with his crude telescope, Galileo realized that Venus goes through phases like the Moon. These observations helped support the Copernican view that the planets orbited the Sun, and not the Earth as previously believed.
You would be a pancake on venus the pressure is so great
]name] weighs about 1 quarter gram too about two grams on venus
]name] weighs about 3.2 grams to a wapping 18.2 grams
It doesn't eat like  a normal being on earth would it soaks in sulfuric acid and through a three hour process of transferring it into a gelatin like substance and regurgitating it up then eating it again. It has a extremely small stomach so it stores excess food in a different part of the body.
It has microscopic leg like spike things on it bottom side that it uses to crawl around on the surface of venus  and change directions
How it breathes:
How it reproduces: it multiplies and clones itself into three small versions of itself right before it dies. Sine the ]name] has a life span of one day on venus 116d 18h 0m for one rotation
It gives off a cold arua from the spots on its back to maintain a stable warm body temperature on this 864 degrees Fahrenheit planet.
[name[ mainly senses its environment by taste and hearing. It needs to taste the basaltic crust of venus to protect against predators and it needs hearing . The [name[ has very sensitive hearing hints the big ears. It can hear predators from a long while away. Than you may be asking why does it have eyes? Well those are not eyes they are very compact bunches of wisker like feeler things that feel its surroundings and to sense creatures on venus’s surface along with the feelers on its booty
It builds basalt domes by eating venus’s crust not for energy but  for protecting itself.inside its body it mixes it with a cement like substance and creates a small dome by slowly spitting it out. They can live in groups to make this process easier. Inside all the [name] can lower the temperature and freeze to death so they can protect themselves forever it there they need to warm up. And venus has a very smooth surface due to the corrosive atmosphere that it is pretty easy to get around.
It builds the dome to protect from predators. It has very tough skin and it will take awhile for another alien to devour it as food. in a serious situation it will let out a loud high pitched scream to warn other [names]

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