Sunday, April 28, 2019

Annie's Misphonia Poem : 6th Grade

I Am Poem [Annie's Misphonia Poem]
 I am annoyed and optimistic.
 I wonder if bells are ringing somewhere.
 I hear taps, chimes and hums.
 I see tapping on the walls and tables.
 I want it to stop.
 I am annoyed and optimistic.
 I pretend I don't hear it.
 I don't care.
 I feel anger building up inside my head.
 I touch my imaginary stress ball inside my hand.
 I worry that Ethan will keep tapping his foot.
 I am annoyed and optimistic.
 I understand it will never stop.
 I say you can put in effort, though.
 I dream of bunnies to make me happy
 I try to keep my calm
 I hope I can stay intact emotionally, but
 I snap.
 I am annoyed and optimistic.

By Annie, 2019, 6th Grade

This is the BEST insight into a young person's misphonia. I wish it could go on a misphonia therapy website. It truly helped me understand my daughter more.

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