Sunday, April 21, 2019

Easter Afternoon with the Cloers & Granny Bo / Dr. Betty Alverson

It was a pleasure to attend what would be Betty Alverson's final Communion service. First a student and then long-time professor at Furman (early 60s!), Dr. Alverson taught Education and English at Furman University, helped many of my fellow classmates get into graduate school with the honest advice of "no money if you continue in the humanities," and most importantly she started CESC (Collegiate Educational Service Corps) in 65. In the early 1990s, I would be aember of CESC, volunteering at the local shelter for abused women. It was only a few days after Easter when Dr. Alverson would pass away.
Further, Leia & Harvest chose this particular event to share their relationship publicly for the first time. Lots of beautiful affection! 
And even though Annie didn't choose to attend, Elaine saved a bunch of deer tenderloin for her!

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