Sunday, September 23, 2018

Shana's Birthday Bucket List 2018 : Ark Encounter

For the second day of our experience, we visited Noah's Ark! The replica, built to scale, was quite awe inspiring, ... but again, what they taught inside was sciemce twisted to fit a literal interpretation of the Bible. (Some of their ideas are below the pics.)

* The ark had the exact dimensions from the Bible and contained two of every "kind" of animal.
* There were dinosaurs and dragons on the ark,
* But others died in the Great Flood.
*The Great Flood was a global event.
* Noah brought 2 of every "kind" of animal onto the ark. So there was a "dog kind" and a few different "dinosaur kinds."
* Each "kind" quickly adapted into other kinds in the 6000 years of earth. Adapted. Not evolved. Evolved is a bad word.
*Freshwater fish survived because of possible "pockets" of Freshwater in the global Flood.
*Men abused dinosaurs in gladiator type games.
*God "sanctioned" capital punishment and the death penalty through the flood, saying that the killing of a human being warranted the death of the murderer. 

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