Saturday, September 22, 2018

Shana's Birthday Bucket List 2018 : Creation Museum

Scroll to the end of the post for comprehensive picture explanation.

Ah, ... "representing" ... yep take everything literally EXCEPT when Jesus says, "my flesh is real food and my blood is real drink."
(Ah, the irony!)

Hopefully the first of many, there is hopefully going to be an annual trip within a reasonable radius from home to celebrate Shana's birthday each year. Something on her bucket list has always been to visit the Creation Museum. DONE!

I can't even tell you the shock and disbelief in seeing what these "Ken Ham Christians" believe. (Even calling them "evangelical" would give the wrong impression.)

I can't possibly post all of the pics of the disturbing "facts," so let me give the highlights.

They believe:

* Evolution is a lie because
* The Bible is not just the inspired word of God, but is WRITTEN by God. 
* The Bible is "without error," so the earth was created in 6 Earth days. (Every time period and measurement found within is exact.)
* Incest should be celebrated as the beginning of procreation.
* The earth was made in exactly 7 Earth-days.
* The earth is exactly 6000 years old.
* Carbon Dating is a lie.
* Dinosaurs and dragons were in the Garden of Eden.
* Before the fall of man, all dinosaurs ate plants, ... even the T-Rex.
* Before the fall of man, there were no weeds.
* The ages of people in the Bible (such as Adam living to 930) are in real time. 
* The ark had the exact dimensions from the Bible and contained two of every "kind" of animal.
* Similarly that God created every "kind" of language at Babel.
* There were dinosaurs and dragons on the ark,
* But others died in the Great Flood.
*The Great Flood was a global event.
* The timeline of Christianity begins with Martin Luther. 
* No Christian has to perform good works to be saved. Faith alone is needed. 

The way these people have twisted scientific fact is absolutely reprehensible. It is as though they twisted science to fit their beliefs. Explaining the flood is probably the best example. Perhaps worst of all, there are homeschool mothers all over the place buying TEXTBOOKS for their kids to learn from in the gift shop!

The most realistic thing in the entire place is the rendition of Mary, Joseph and Jesus at the Nativity. 

But such irony in quoting Matthew 7:15 in plain sight that tells us to "beware of false prophets."

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