Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Symbol at Daily Mass

This post requires some explanation. Long ago (2012) both Shana & I shared a spiritual vision that changed our lives:  it made me more progressive and it made Shana more Catholic. For brevity purposes, I will keep it simple. Shana saw the more spiritual part of the vision: the Communion of Saints in Heaven, a pyramid of sorts (or top of a tree) with levels, Christ as a pulsing white light at the top. I saw the more earthly part of the vision: mine was kind of like the roots of the tree branching off in both directions showing the duality of absolutely everything on this earth (in which each thing, feeling, living being, EVERYTHING could be used for good or for evil). 
Our vision was accompanied by a symbol: basically the Chi Rio (PX, the first two letters of Christ's name in Greek, used by Constantine to win battles in God's name). You see the one on the right also had a horizontal bar (like a cross). Ours was contained in an icthus (the fish, also representing Christ) and had the P incorporated within the resulting triangles. Like this:
Many other letters and important resulting meanings could be seen as well. Then TODAY at Mass, ... and even with the new leadership, I noticed our symbol at the bottom right of the peace plant under the Tabernacle in the Our Lady of the Angels Chapel!

I can't think of a more positive sign to be shown through God's peaceful, botanical creation! I took this as a reminder of the Truth behind our shared vision, ... but as for the "why now?" question, I have NO idea (as I feel nothing but disillusioned by the changes). I just took it as a good sign that God is still in control of His One True Church. I still feel there is further to this, so perhaps I will be shown something more in the future. 

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