Saturday, April 9, 2022


 Here is the young couple coming home, and planning to live in our basement until further notice. Oh how a mama can have a change of heart! I used to be so against 2 people living together before marriage, and I still don't think it is the best idea; however, it is never a reason to disown a child!  So I had to make the decision, was I going to allow this behavior and simply love my daughter as she is?  Or was I going to continue the huge rift between us? I chose the former! ...  Now, why are they coming home? Well, on February 22nd of 2022 Russia invaded the Ukraine and it scared both Leia and Harvest out of their wits living in Oregon far away from home and closer to Russia than ever before. They called one evening crying asking if they could come home. The answer was yes.  And the bottom photo makes it official. Leia broke the lease!

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