Thursday, March 23, 2023

White Christmas Morning 2020

As always, in honor of Karin who always made the picture at the top of the stairs in pajamas a Christmas morning tradition, here is Annie sitting with her Kitty, Miku. The only sad thing is that Leia is not here this year (she is in Oregon) and we don't hear from her much. BUT it is a PERFECT White Christmas, and by that, I mean a dusting. It was a nice morning of just the three of us full of Annie's spectacular Christmas Crafts for me! I said I wanted her to incorporate Marlene's Amish rug (which had gotten a bit to worn to use outright) into the crafts, and she did not disappoint! An finally, my beautiful ornament Shana made for me from the quartz crystals she found at the Diamond Hill Mine!

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