Sunday, July 16, 2023

Annie's Ecuador & Galapagos Trip πŸ‡ͺπŸ‡¨ 2023 : Tiputini, The Amazon

Day 8 July 16, 2023 Tiputini Research Station: the Amazon.

 Most of the day was traveling today. We went from bus to boat to bus to boat with only the last boat ride being interesting. We saw a pink river dolphin and some howler monkeys. We then went to the research center where surprisingly it was very well put together for being in the middle of nowhere. We had tacos with homemade tortillas and guacamole for dinner. I then went searching for creatures at night with some people and I saw a HUGE frog, cordycepts in a moth, a whip scorpion, a possum, and more.  Very excited for day 9!

Day 9 July 17th, 2023 Tiputini 

 I was the leader of the day today. That means I kept a sheet of the day's events and wrote the blog post of the day.  I felt really sick this morning and had to sleep in for the hike, but later in the day we took a Canoe ride and saw kingfishers and a baby turtle. We then had dinner and played charades which was very fun.

 Day 10 July 17th, 2023 Tiputini

 We started off of the day with a boat ride where we saw a camn (???) and some parrots and parakeets by a salt lick. We then had a quick lesson about evolution, notes are in the back. We then put our suits on to swim in the Rio Tiputini!  We have to be careful of the eurethia fish, though.  After a close call with getting to the dock, Pat and I started a project on leaf cutter ants to present to the class. We then took a nighttime boat ride where we saw some more camins (???) and birds. 

 Day 11, July 18th 2023 Tiputini

We started off the day with piranha fishing. The guys who took the boat, Santiago and Relan, gave us fishing line on board and put a piece of chicken on it to throw in the water. They immediately bit it. But they are so fast that you have to have really good reaction time to get them. We did this for a long time, each time Santiago would laugh at me for being so bad, but eventually I got one, and so did other people. We got home and the kitchen prepared the 6 fish we caught for lunch. They were very bony, but good. After lunch we split off to help some researchers. My group followed a girl from Yale who was studying inga plants and their relationship with ants. We collected leaves to see how much they had eaten around the plant. We then finished the day off with a presentation about the animals here. 

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