Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Annie's Ecuador & Galapagos Trip πŸ‡ͺπŸ‡¨ 2023 : Quito, Ecuador

Day 12 July 19 Quito

 Day 13th July 20th 2023 Galapagos 

We woke up early for our flight to the Galapagos. I worked on my species presentation about leaf cutter ants on the plane. When we got there we immediately got to experience the galapagos by looking at some sea lions, blue footed boobies, and marine iguanas on the way to lunch. After lunch, we went snorkeling in a lagoon where I saw giant turtles and many cool fish. A baby sealion was even swimming and playing right next to us. We then headed to another beach where Pat got chased by a sealion and it was very funny. We gave our presentations and I think I did really bad. Very excited to sleep.

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