Saturday, May 25, 2024

Annie's 1st Car & 1st Love Interest

Annie's first car!! And what a picture! ... in back of what used to be Brian's car ....that he smashed into some construction barrels. Over 400k miles. The Toyota Corolla of the century. Annie is a very safe driver. No scratches. No tickets. Smooth sailing. 

And Bryce, who is totally into Chemistry. Sound like anyone you know? Today he asked her out to lunch with some friends. No numbers exchanged. I just feel blessed to be told!

You can also see some of Annie's darker humor represented on this car. Apparently, "Girls Don't Poop." :-D

Thursday, May 23, 2024

Pisgah Inn with Annie

 This place along the Blue Ridge Parkway is always a favorite! We have had to cancel a few times this year due to weather, and this time it looked like it was going to be rainy but then it was perfect with really neat cloud formations! And we were joined by a sweet little beetle on the table that Annie just had to take a picture of.

Sunday, May 12, 2024

Annie's Very First Miniature : Brown Eyed Susans

 Late this Spring Annie informed me of her newest artistic adventure that she wanted to embark upon: miniature making!  Recently we went to Michael's arts and crafts and bought a few supplies, but most of the materials were from the trash. This was made from cardboard boxes and a plastic cap! It was such a blessing to receive her very first miniature for my Mother's Day gift!

Annie Cooks DELICIOUS Shrimp & Grits for Mother's Day

What a Mother's Day! Shrimp & Grits made by Annie, a beautiful card and Annie's Very first miniature! ... A pot of brown eyed susans!

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Full Size Car Tiger in Hendersonville ?

This is the strangest thing I've ever seen on a car: a life-sized stuffed tiger wearing a fedora, coupled with a koala in sunglasses? And it was right in front of me in downtown Hendersonville by the library. There's a story here. I wish in knew what it was.

Saturday, May 4, 2024

Annie Goes to Prom

 Everyone went to jump off rock for their prom pictures. Is such a beautiful backdrop! And below is the official prom pictures at the event.  So neat and different prom these days as opposed to in the early 90s. Quite a few went on their own with friends, like Annie. There are many multicultural couples. And even a lesbian couple!  These are all Annie's friends from school.

Annie, Pre Prom

 I love that Annie looks so beautiful, is doing selfies before driving, and is wearing my own locket I got in high school.Prom. Annie met at a friend's house for hair and makeup first. Everyone went to Chick-fil-A before taking photos at Jump Off Rock before prom.
Above remains my very favorite Annie Prom Pic. Gorgeous!