Friday, May 3, 2024

Filming The Chosen  Season 5 : Lunch (to escape.the Extras Tent) , Photo Ops with the Pharisees (Yani) & Jarius + other Extras

THIS was where we ate lunch each day (when it wasn't too cold). Can you believe the Utah mountain backdrop!?!
Our lunch outside (they provided all 3 meals, by the way) was mostly to escape the experience of.this next picture:
The Extras Tent. Too much socialization for me.

Still, on those days, there were opportunities to take pictures with the lesser actors and to meet other extras. 

Here is Simon the Zealot (Z) Thaddeus, Nathaniel & John coming to visit us one day and thank us for our participation.

Another day, Yani  Who plays one of the pharisees came table to take pictures.

 And still another day the guy who played Jarius, the one whose daughter is raised from the dead, went table to table as well.

One day we met a few Mormon sisters and had good conversation. And at that same table was Olivia:

That same day we met Olivia, who came all 3 weeks from Germany!  She would also be featured in the teaser trailer saying that she was just so glad to be a part of this!

We met some fellow Catholics complete with Rosaries, and some other extras who were giving out tiny Jesus figures because "A little Jesus goes a long way."

 I would keep this little guy in my wallet for a long time after!

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