Friday, February 15, 2002

Calling Family & Friends

Today held the task of calling all of the extended family and friends of our joyous condition, . . . and no one reacted more jubilantly that day than Me-Maw and Natalie. Me-Maw: for whom this would be her first great grand-baby. Natalie: with whom we’d shared the joys of her two boys through her natural childbirth from great distances.
Also today, I realized that my breasts were incredibly sore. My breasts had some degree of soreness every month before my period, but it was nothing compared to today. The nipples were never sore, in fact I could always pull at them and freak Brian out (because his are so sensitive). Now I know how he feels. The nipple is so tender to the touch that I almost can’t stand it.
As a result, I ran out to the drug store and bought two things: lanolin and (unscented) cocoa butter. The lanolin is to help prepare the nipples for breastfeeding and the cocoa butter was for the elasticity of the abdomen and the prevention of tightness and stretch marks.
It is so strange to be 32 days past my last period and not have another!!!
Later in the day I called my parents at the exact time they called me, ironically, just to say, “It’s so special to feel another little soul in there!” They were as joyful as the previous evening, and so was I, . . . and so was Brian, for when he got home, he took me in his arms and said, “There is nothing more important to me than you and little Dean or little Leia.” My eyes teared.

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