Wednesday, February 20, 2002

Special Songs for Baby

I can’t help crying tears of joy these days. We are just so very blessed, and I’m sure to thank God every day for these amazing blessings that He has heaped upon us . . . amid so many others whose prayers remain unanswered. Not only has God blessed us with a baby growing inside me, but only a few days later we learned that we have secured the home of our dreams, which we affectionately call “The White House.” It’s the perfect combination of Brian (in a neighborhood, close to work, kids can walk to friends house) and I (lots of land, lots of privacy, by a farm with cows). We couldn’t ask for more.
I would be lying, though, if I didn’t say I had some worries. I’ve had cramps about twice a day, just like the kind you get when you have your period, but not as frequent. This has been scaring me to death . . . so much so that I’ve even said a novena to St. Gerard. Tonight I got fed up with it and looked on the internet. I found a fabulous site called “” that calmed my fears. It seems it’s written by a midwife who is teaching other midwives right now. I couldn’t be more happy with her explanation:

Please try not to worry. If you DIDN'T have these cramps, it would be a concern. The uterus is accommodating to the implantation, and you may even spot a bit at this time. The uterus is growing, and as it does so, it contracts. Everything in nature and the human body seems to follow a pattern of ebb and flow. Two steps forward, one step back; even labor is like that. As your uterus contracts, it is gaining the muscle strength to enlarge, and associated cramping is part of the process.

Thank goodness! Now for some news that’s more on the fun side. Then, there’s something else that’s been years in the planning. Brian and I are, of course, very musically oriented. As a result, I’ve always wanted to make a special tape for my first little baby (and the second one, too, as the occasion arises). A long time ago, I wrote down lots of songs that would be perfect in regards to their message and sound. There are some songs that are just so wonderful that I couldn’t choose between them for the boy or girl tape, so I included them on both. There are some songs that would be perfect only if we had a boy or only if we had a girl (hence the letters "B" or "G" before the title). I’m sure it will be fun in twenty years to compare the actual tape with this chart.
After the chart is a list that came naturally as I thought about what the songs meant, and what I really thought was really important to teach my children. How I wish that these tidbits of wisdom could be absorbed by osmosis so our children would never feel any pain!
Jesus and momma (Un. Love for You)
G She Don’t Know She’s Beautiful (Modesty)
Walking on Sunshine (Make me happy)
Who I Am (Identity)
Arms Wide Open (Give you the best)
B King of Somewhere Hot
High Cotton (Make me happy)
Down Home
Born Country
G She Ain’t Your Ordinary Girl (Identity-more than looks)
Both Sides Now (Life throws curves)
G Man! I Feel Like a Woman (Identity-Be Yourself)
Come on Over (You can count on me)
Pick Yer Nose ?
G Blood in the Boardroom
Delaney Talks to Statues (You’re special)
Fins (krrp your wits about you)
Come Monday (You can count on me)
Changes in Lattitudes (Things Change)
If Tomorrow Never Comes (Un. Cond. Love)
The Dance (Roots and Wings)
Standing Outside the Fire (Experience Life)
G Something in the Way She Moves (You’re special)
Wide Open Spaces (Roots and Wings)
Things Will Grow (Answer to When?)
I Hope You Dance (Experience Life)
How Sweet It Is
G My Girl (Make me Happy)
The Gift (You are a blessing)
The Sun Will Come out Tomorrow (Optimism)
You’re Never Fully Dressed w/o a Smile (Optimism)
I Don’t Need Anything But You
It’s Not Easy
Brazzle Dazzle Day (Optimism)
There’s Room for Everyone
Happy Days
Laverne and Shirley
Facts of Life
Good Times
One Day at a Time (Handling life’s curves)
Bread and Butter
Turn Turn Turn (Life throws curves – Changes)
Over the Rainbow
B I Got Rhythm (Make me happy)
You’re the Inspiration (Make me Happy)
B Along Comes a Woman (Future Hope-marriage)
Sweet Sweet Smile (Make me Happy)
Sing (Self-Reliance)
Close to You
Top of the World
LOVE (I love you)
Do You Believe in Magic
There She Goes (Love to see you grow)
Here Comes the Sun (Optimism, handling life’s curves)
Soulful Strut
Never Let You Go
G Happy Club (Optimism)
My Favorite Things (Optimism-Handling life’s curves)
Laughing Place (Optimism)
We Go Together (Parent Bond)
Bali Hai
I’m In Love
Wash That Man (Never NEED a man)
Honey Bun (Make me happy)
Give Me the Simple Life (Simplicity)
The Sunnny Side of the Street (Optimism)
The Way You Look Tonight
When You Wish Upon a Star (Faith)
Baby Mine (You can count on me)
Zip a Dee Do Dah (Optimism-Make me happy)
Candle on the Water (You can count on me)
Feelin’ Groovy
Blessed (You’re Special)
A Dream is a Wish (Faith)
Who I Am (Identity)
Love and Forgiveness (Importance of L & F)
My First Child (I love you)
Beautiful Boy (I love you)
Baby Girl (I love you)
Take Our Hearts (God Above All)
Seek Ye First (God Above All)
All I Ever Have to Be (Identity)
Arms of Love (You can count on God, too)
G My Father’s Eyes
B Lollipop (You’re special)
G Brown Eyed Girl (Make me happy)
Just the Way You Are (You’re special)
G She’s Always a Woman (All inclusive-smart-identity-self-reliant)
G She’s Got a Way About Her (You’re special)
B Tell Her About It (Communication)
The Longest Time (I couldn’t wait for you, you’re special, make me happy)
My Life
Good for Me
Baby Baby (I love you)
Galileo (I love you)
Earth Angel
Never Say Never (Optimism)
Highlight of My Life (Make me happy)
Always Tomorrow (Handling life’s curves)
Don’t Worry Be Happy (Optimism)
Splish Splash (Optimism)
B That’s My Baby (You’re special)
B Go West Young Man (Choose Good)
For You (Count on me)
B Let’s Hear It For the Boy (You’re special)
B When You Are a Soldier
Shall We Dance (Optimism)
Good Morning (Optimism)
Singing in the Rain (Optimism)
That’s the Way it Is (Handling Life’s Curves)
B Make em Laugh
I’d Do Anything (Count on me)
Whistle While You Work (Make work fun)
A Wink and a Smile (Parent Bond)
Hold On (Handling life’s curves)
Sixteen Going on Seventeen
My Favorite Things (Handling life’s curves)
I Have Confidence (Confidence)
When You Smile (Make me happy)
Little Miss Magic (You’re special)
Climb Every Mountain (Experience life)
What a Wonderful World
G Wouldn’t It Be Lovely (Hope for future-marriage)
When You’re Alone (Not alone, you can count on me)
Tomorrow’s Child (I believe in you)
You Can Count on Me (You can count on me)
G Punky Brewster (You make me happy among life’s curves)
I’ll Be There For You (You can count on me among life’s curves)
Get Happy (Optimism) Partrige Family
Chim Chim Sheree (Money Doesn’t Buy Happiness)
Little Houses (Money Doesn’t Buy Happyness)
Little Bitty (Optimism-Life is short)
Life’s a Dance (Handling Life’s Curves)

Know you’re special (and that you are different than everyone else, and that’s good)
Keep your wits about you.
Know that things change, but change is good.
Know that moms and Dads should give roots and wings.
Experience life, take chances, have fun!
Know that dreams can come true with time and faith.
Know that you’re a blessing.
Always look on the bright side, be optimistic.
Never NEED a man, just WANT one.
Be self-reliant, confident, and believe in yourself
Know that I believe in you.
Know that I have unconditional love for you.
Know that the simple life is the best life.
Have faith in both yourself and God.
Learn to both love and forgive.
Put God above all.
Know you can count on me.
Be modest.
Know you make me happy.
Find out who you are/ know who you are/ and Don’t be afraid to be who you are
Know that life will always throw you curves, just learn to handle them.
Know you can count on God, too.
Know that communication is the key to all good relationships.
Choose good over bad.
Make work fun.
Know you’re not alone.
Know that money is NOT the key to happiness.

Here are some more that they didn’t make songs about . . .

Know “the tricks of the trade” when it comes to school and business,” but realize that there aren’t any when it comes to heaven.
Manage your time.
Limit your spending.
Make Jesus your best friend.
Don’t dwell on the negative opinions of others.
Take great joy in and have a healthy respect for your sexuality as God’s life-giving gift in the sacrament of marriage.
Don’t be afraid to say no.
But don’t be afraid to say yes.
Know how to laugh at yourself.
Whenever, you’re embarrassed, . . .LAUGH.
Show compassion.
Never lose your inner child. Always be a child at heart. Don’t be afraid to act like a child.
Love people of all colors.
Find the good in and be nice to everyone, even bad people.
Realize you’re still learning, and that you can’t know everything.
Know that the Lord will never find you a suitable mate until you are okay with only God and you.
Know that you CAN make a difference in the world.
Know that things change, but change is good.
Learn to be a good listener, but don’t be afraid to talk.
Never be afraid to introduce yourself and make a new friend.
Stay healthy.
Admit when you’re wrong.
Always ask what Jesus would do.
Take joy in God’s will.
Always Laugh When Your Embarrassed

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