Monday, February 1, 2010

Our Little Tantrum Kid

Annie's black eye makes this picture even more pitiful, doesn't it? : ( Well, the truth of the matter is that if Annie isn't put down for a nap every day around lunchtime, . . . this face ensues (along with kicking, screaming, yelling, scratching, biting, and sometimes spitting). Yes, Annie has true tantrums when she is tired, . . . today's was set off by her not being able to spoon her snowcake into her mouth with her mittens on. Oh my. And, yes, these tantrums always end with the "Thinking Corner." (Luckily, this phase didn't last long.)


Nina said...

So glad to hear she is not "perfect"!!! But normal! :)

Codruta said...

Annie is just Annie, Noelle! She is sweet and funny and she definitely has personality!