Friday, October 15, 2010

Along the Parkway

Here is something that is just too special not to share: our time as Mamma & Daughters along the Blue Ridge Parkway. It's just too precious a blessing from God, ... so much so that I tear up from sheer joy at the experience. Many days you can find us enjoying the fall colors, flying kites and simply being together listening to our special "mountain CD" featuring Dolly Parton, Alabama, John Denver, Judy Collins, James Taylor, and (of course) The Sound of Music. This is something we do most every day these days. I don't always document it when we do this little drive after school, but I'm so glad that I do happen to have the camera at least sometimes. : ) On our little "Mills River Overlook" (where the mountain is open on both sides, often creating a huge amount of wind), when there isn't wind, the girls create wind by running together with our kites. On our drive to get there, Leia is often in her own little world, staring out the window just like she is below. But when we stop at overlooks, even more than the kites (which I always keep in the car), the main goal of the girls is to find "chives" or wild yard onions, ... and eat them. ; ) But the girls' most special moments are found on 276 on the way back when, going very slow, the girls get to stand and enjoy the fall leaves from the center console, peeking out the sunroof. One of these days, when they asked to do this and I told them it was only on special days, Annie replied, "But Mamma, every day with you is a 'special' day!" What a way to melt a Mamma's heart! : )


LauraW said...

What wonderful pic! You all live in such a beautiful place:)

LauraW said...

Sorry - pic was supposed to be plural...gotta work on those typing skills! The b-day party looked SO FUN, too. Miss you all!

Nina said...

Adorable shots. And she is so right -- every day with mama is special. They have no idea...