Friday, October 15, 2010

Parkway Kite-Flying on News 13

Apparently we weren't the only one to think our experience was special, because today the reporters from News 13 out of Asheville showed up and did an entire story on our family! The cameraman and reporter kept saying, "Oh my gosh, this is GREAT!" and "Wow, I'm really getting GREAT stuff!" and "I'm telling you, anytime you ladies come back up here PLEASE call the station so we can come to film you again!" The girls, all in pink today, really warmed up to the camera! All in all, a perfect example of our time together. Here is the video link to our experience:


Nina said...

Couldn't have happened to a nicer family!!!

Lauren said...

omg Leia Rose telling Annie it looked like she almost let it go... LOVE big sisters don't you??? Beautiful!