Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Edisto 2012: Second Edisto Sunrise & VERY Special Shell

There are so many significant things that happened during this Edisto vacation. In particular, I found this beautiful oyster shell at the second sunrise. The red/purple, with the hole made a perfect heart. Oh how I wanted to save that shell! I kept it SO VERY SAFE! ... and in the hubbub of coming back home, it got misplaced. I am SO glad I have this picture. I found another shell that held the exact image of the Virgin Mary. I will share that one later. I embellished Her a bit with a crown and Immaculate Heart, but the image was striking. Sunrises at Edisto are always a VERY special and spiritual time. Another year, all of the shells started washing up hearts! ... It turns out that was the moment that my friend Sarah's second son was born. Surreal!

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