Friday, August 24, 2012

Heading to Buffalo (for Great Grandma Betty's Funeral)

There was joy mixed with tears on this day as we traveled to Buffalo for Great Grandma Betty's funeral. The sunrise on the morning of our departure was significant and, throughout the trip, I would see signs that my late friend, Karin, was with us as well (stargazer lilies & fleur-de-lis everywhere). It was a beautiful Mass honoring my grandmother, ... and I remember, specifically, the songs "Be Not Afraid" and "On Eagle's Wings" being sung. I was so happy to read and sing harmony! I learned a lot from this Mass. There was not wake or anything else. And I would like the same for my own transition into heaven. Mixed with the tears, was the joy of seeing the grave of Grandma Staggers and Grandpa George. As morose as that is, it is the first time I would see them "bodily" together, as I never knew Grandpa George in life and was too young to go to Grandma Stagger's funeral. Afterwards, we all met at a restaurant and mom saw her childhood friend "Janie Oliver," who I have heard spoken about many times. Then the girls would get to play with their first cousins, once removed. It was a very moving day, ... with the amazing addition of Betty's holy cards proclaiming the Immaculate Heart of Mary. And now the girls' Great Grandma Betty will join the Communion of Saints in interceding for us.

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