Wednesday, April 13, 2016

"My Calico," a Narrative Poem by Leia

As the sun rose through the clear blue sky
My friend awoke to bat an eye
She stretched her paws out flat and straight
A days journey does await
She bounded through the splattered sun
To see what she might do for fun.

She found her tree a welcome sight
A stack of cushions to a great height
And as she climbed her cushion tree
The world spread out beneath her feet
And in a corner small per se
She found her favorite item of play
It jingled and jangled between her paws
Disobeying all known laws.

Bounding through the sunlight once more
She came up on an open door
Coming through she listened and heard
A whistling like a sleeping bird
Jumping up twisting in flight
She landed on the bed upright
Creeping overall the wrinkles
She came up on someone who twinkled

She licked her gently with her soft tongue
The girl awoke to find the one
Who woke her with that special touch
To be the one she loved very much
A spotted ball of sleeping fur
Her Calico named "Little Purr."

By Leia Rose Thompson
13 years old, seventh grade

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