Monday, April 25, 2016

Chocolate Day 2016

Willy Wonka rides into the gym on a golf cart, door opened by factory workers Oma & Mamma, where he presents the children with Golden Tickets. Wonka then escorts the children into the "Chocolate Room" where everything is edible and they experience all of the following: an unlimited candy store, a pet the chocolate bunny station (featuring Oma, Kitty & Joe Bob!), lickable wallpaper (made by Mamma), candy sushi in colorful takeout containers (made by Shana!), fizzy lifting drinks with orange sherbet, a chocolate fountain, and the golden goose laying the golden eggs. This was all followed up by a picture-taking station where the children chose props and stood in front of a whimsical background. What was wonderful was all the children coming back again and again to my station. Malachi, the little boy with brain cancer, couldn't get enough of it! I also made the kids a special gift of a huge lollipop and a cd with songs of the day. The newspaper was there to document the experience! The unselfish love of parents for their children (the very point of the book) was evident in it ALL!

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