Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Annie's Persuasive Essay & a Mini Rex Bunny

As I was growing up as an English teacher, I always jokingly said that if my children ever really wanted something, they could always write a persuasive essay about it and I would really consider it. Little did I know this would actually come true! I cannot express how proud I am of Annie for writing this essay! The exciting thing is, she decided to write this essay before thinking that getting a mini rex bunny was actually possible! She worked hard on this essay through school and I have the rough draft here. Keep in mind that originally this was a very private thing. And he worked on it with mrs. Falzone and didn't want me to see it at all. It was a miracle that I got to see it before her birthday, but I wanted her efforts not to be in vain! I was proud of her before I even read it. I was so happy that I cried! I even love the research that she did showing the pictures of the mini rex bunny and also the fact that it was hypoallergenic. This turned out to be true! Anyway, here is the rough draft of the essay... the pictures following are the pictures from the essay and then the final draft... SHE GOT AN A.
Cute, fluffy and loving, these animals are called rabbits. Did you know that rabbits are
the third most popular pet? That is why I think we should get a mini rex bunny. It would be a
great addition to our house because this rabbit has less dander, Leia and i would work together
to take care of it,and we could split Ollie’s cage.
The mini rex bunny would have shorter fur and has less danger so,daddy would sniff
less and you know how i hate that.Leia and i also would try to clean up the excess fur. So there
would be less fur floating around everywhere. also When we pet it, less fur would come of of it.
We don’t have to get a new cage, we could just split Ollie’s cage. Since Ollie is small
and the mini rex bunny is small it would not be squished in a little space. I don’t think ollie would
mind at all!
Leia and i would take care of it like we do the other bunnies.I know that I have not been
scooping the litter lately, but if you just remind me maybe I could get back to doing it again. We
haven’t had a bunny be in a very bad life threatening situation, well Kitty does have vestibular
disease but, that's not as much as a big deal.
Don’t you think a cute, fluffy creature would be a nice addition to our house? Wouldn’t
you like to see your children getting along for once? Besides we wouldn’t even have to get a
new cage right? So why don’t you think about getting another sweet, small mammal for our
happy, bunny loving family.

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Oma Chooses a Mini Rex Bunny

... Annie will be SOOOOOOO happy on her actual birthday day!

Saturday, September 23, 2017

Annie's Lake Birthday Party 2017

... the only issue was that because of hurricane Irma, the lake was far too low because of the emergency floodgates. So no boat could go in the water. Other than that, it was a spectacular birthday full of swimming and kayaking and pinatas! And, of course, making our own pizzas!

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Mamma Turns Annie's Hot Glue Gun Scar into a Temporary Tattoo

... ironically it is the perfect shape of a bunny, the only thing that needed to be added was one ear!

Friday, September 15, 2017

Mountain State Fair 2017: Harvest & Shana Day

The new thing this year? A deep fried Reese's Peanut Butter Cup wrapped in bacon!

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Mountain State Fair 2017: Friend Day

Otherwise known as the day of the Narwhals! Annie brought Luz and Leia brought Becky. All of them seemed to collect narwhals by the end of the day, and since I didn't have a friend the Narwhals became my friends! The favorite song of the day was the old FedEx commercial that went "Narwhals Narwhals swimming in the ocean causing a commotion cuz they are so awesome!"

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Leia's Confirmation

... and her sponsor, Shana (who went through a heck of a lot to do this for our daughter including being confirmed herself)!

A Labor of Love for Confirmation

The first photo is of Leia's confirmation gift. A stone from the old baptismal font bearing the sacrament of initiation that she got from this church, first communion. There is also a representation of fire and the dove for this initiation Sacrament, confirmation. I guess the girls get their love of crafting from me. :-) this began with the dismantling of the old baptismal font in the church and then discarding the rocks that had held the baptismal water since the church was built! I couldn't believe these rocks were discarded, and I immediately remembered that my godson was baptized there! My first idea was to get one of those rocks and give it to my God some as a gift. But what ended up happening is the project exploded. I suddenly wanted to put all of the sacraments on his confirmation Stone represented by pictures. I also realized that the girls had many sacraments of initiation done at this church as well, even though not baptism... So I made a special stone for all of them! Then I remembered that William, April's son and my nephew, was baptized there as well! So there came a stone for him! Finally, I told Oma about the project and she was so excited about it, that I actually made a stone for her as well! Shhhhhhh ... they are getting theirs for Christmas. Oh yes, and I also made a stone for myself. :-) why not? I got permission from the groundskeeper to take as many as I wanted.