Tuesday, September 12, 2017

A Labor of Love for Confirmation

The first photo is of Leia's confirmation gift. A stone from the old baptismal font bearing the sacrament of initiation that she got from this church, first communion. There is also a representation of fire and the dove for this initiation Sacrament, confirmation. I guess the girls get their love of crafting from me. :-) this began with the dismantling of the old baptismal font in the church and then discarding the rocks that had held the baptismal water since the church was built! I couldn't believe these rocks were discarded, and I immediately remembered that my godson was baptized there! My first idea was to get one of those rocks and give it to my God some as a gift. But what ended up happening is the project exploded. I suddenly wanted to put all of the sacraments on his confirmation Stone represented by pictures. I also realized that the girls had many sacraments of initiation done at this church as well, even though not baptism... So I made a special stone for all of them! Then I remembered that William, April's son and my nephew, was baptized there as well! So there came a stone for him! Finally, I told Oma about the project and she was so excited about it, that I actually made a stone for her as well! Shhhhhhh ... they are getting theirs for Christmas. Oh yes, and I also made a stone for myself. :-) why not? I got permission from the groundskeeper to take as many as I wanted.

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