Friday, September 8, 2017

Leia's Gym Class

... and Mama excited to be a fly on the wall!
One day I got to school early to pick Leia up and noticed that her class was outside playing PE! Today it was flag football. Or something close to it anyway. It was so exciting to see her interact with her friends! I noticed her and Becky immediately. Each picture shows what I saw from my vantage point and then I close up of Leia and Becky. Leah is wearing her black female gamer shirt with white shorts and Becky has a blue shirt on.
I will also use this post to say that I was really proud of Leia for stopping the bus ride at the end of the school day. Leia's intuition told her not to go on the bus anymore because she heard talk of drugs and alcohol. I am so very proud of my daughter for staying away from this toxic conversation! Say no more, dear Leia, as hard as it will be for me, I will pick you up every single day and be happy about it!

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