Saturday, October 29, 2011

Turning 9: Leia's Harry Potter Party

Now to allow Leia (and her friends) to truly experience the world of Harry Potter! With Mamma playing professor McGonogall and Daddy playing Potionsmaster, we adventured throughout Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry experiencing all of the delights of a Griffindor first-year. First it was time for THE SORTING ceremony where every young witch or wizard tried on the sorting hat and was sorted into his/her house. Of course, the sorting hat always takes into account which house is desired. (What house did Annie want? Why "Ravenclaw" of course, ... "the one with the bird"!) Then it was time to be donned in real robes and create their own house crest. (Annie's had a lot of "bling"!) Then it was time to venture into THE GREAT HALL and try some real Pumpkin Juice and Bertie Botts Every Flavor Beans (both of which Mamma bought from the real Wizarding World of Harry Potter). See if you can find the picture of Leia trying the vomit flavored one. Then it was time for POTIONS CLASS, but there was no evil Professor Snape to teach them today, ... only Daddy who had everyone create a yellow-and-blue-makes-green bubbling potion! Then it was time for CHARMS CLASS and the ever-famous WINGARDIUM LEVIOSA spell, where the students would chant the spell and try to lift the feathers ... followed by OCULUS REPAIRO where the student used their wands to fix Harry's glasses. Being hard to take pictures at this party, we missed photos of a few activities such as MAGICAL CHAIRS and FIND THE SORCERER'S STONE as well as CATCH THE SNITCH. Finally it was time for the grandest sport of the day: a real QUIDDITCH MATCH! It was Griffindor vs. Hufflepuff, ... and Griffindor wins, ... for Annie caught the golden snitch!!! Finally it was on to something a bit more traditional: a Hogwarts pinata, ... as well as a Hogwarts Crest cake and presents! Happy Birthday Leia, ... I hope this experience exemplifies my great love for you!

1 comment:

Nina said...

That TRULY has to be the MOST fabulous BD party EVER!!!!! With a real chemist even!!! Do you guys hire out to put this party on in Chapel Hill???