Thursday, August 27, 2009

A New School Tradition

When I was teaching high school, there was an assignment I gave the students to write about a common event in their lives that inspired them the most. One student wrote about how, coming from a family of 6, her Mom didn't have a lot of personal time to spend with her; however, every Friday morning, her mom would take her out to McDonalds, . . . just the two of them. It was always their special time to talk and to bond, just mother and daughter. Well, that essay really affected me, . . . and I vowed right then and there that when my children started elementary school (and all the way up through high school) we would do this, too. I would change it a little bit and make the idea my own in my own way, . . . I wanted a fancier restaurant for us to share, . . . and I wanted Leia Rose to have her pick of days and of places. But the principle is still the same. So the first week of school it began: Leia Rose chose "Thursday" as her day, and we went out to our first trial restaurant: the Fireside Inn. Very nice!!! She also wants to try Mean Mr. Mustard's Cafe, . . . and Dennys. : ) Yep, fancy places that open by 6:30 AM are slim pickins around here. : ) We had wonderful conversation today, . . . and I'm looking forward to these memories thoroughout all of Leia's weeks, months, and years of school. : )

1 comment:

Codruta said...

I remember when you told me that you had breakfast with Leia, but I did not know about the story that inspired you! How wonderful! Keep it up!You are a great Mom, Noelle!