Thursday, August 6, 2009

Potty Training

Ah yes, another milestone to be achieved this summer: Annie's Potty Training! : ) At first Annie was a dripper, in other words she would drip one drop in the potty chair only to potty all over herself afterwards. Then by the second day she created a system where she would simply make a few drips in her pants, and then move to the chair for the rest. (I thought it was ironic that she truly prefers the small potty chairs over the toilet that she preferred before Disney World.) We always revert when we go anywhere, but we're doing really well at home now! Here is Annie proud of her potty and holding her mug with the M&Ms that she gets as a reward: one for making a potty in the chair, one for making a poopie in the chair, and an extra one for making ALL of each kind in the chair (in other words, none in the pants). Working like a charm, . . . but still a long road ahead.

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