Friday, August 14, 2009

Strawberry Short "Cake"

Leia Rose came to me with a fabulous idea a few days ago, "Mamma! Let's make a cake just like the one in Strawberry Shortcake's Berrylicious Bake-Off (one of the girls' favorite Strawberry Shortcake books: a wonderful story where each Strawberryland "kid" contributes something to a grand baking project). Could a Mamma BE any prouder of her child's imagination!?! : )
As we waited for the cake part to bake, we thought it was appropriate to play Candy Land! : ) Meanwhile, we reviewed the ingredients from the book: orange juice in the batter, strawberry jam on the first layer, then the "yummy crispy cookie layer" full of ginger snaps, then the second cake layer, then more jam, then huckleberries (or in this case blueberries), and then fudge. Apple juice to drink!

1 comment:

Codruta said...

Noelle, I am happy to see that the bows are not only for school! The girls are very stylish at home, also! How cute! That cake makes me hungry for cake!