Monday, August 24, 2009

Potties, not Poopies

Annie is now totally potty trained! (Um, but not poopie trained.) This is a common sight in our house: Annie sitting on her potty chair earning her m&m's. : ) She no longer needs any rubber pants, . . . and won't even potty during nap or while we are out. But I'll tell ya', I can't get this child to make a poopie in the chair. Poops are ALWAYS in the pants. *sigh* We'll get there!

1 comment:

Nina said...

Potty training has gone too far with Kien. For the past 3 days, ALL he wants to do is "poppy toilet." Then he sits there forever, never does anything, and screams when you get him up. But NO one can spend the day beside him in the bathroom!!! Now he says, "Poopy toilet," and we ignore him. :\