Friday, May 21, 2010

A Few Fun Finds

Here are just a few things we "found" these days that are fun or significant. First, we found a really cool (albeit expensive) snack at Cracker Barrel: chocolate covered sunflower seeds! Next, we found that if we let Leia Rose sleep in her "ballet hair" she ended up looking a lot like an owl (and also that she could make a really cool clay adaptation of "Squirt" from Miss Spider's Sunnypatch Friends. Third, one day after school, I found the girls putting on a really cool puppet-dancing-and-music show, complete with curtain! Fourth, (and probably the most significant), I found that involving Annie in brainstorming about activities for playdates could prevent trouble. You see, Morgan's little brother Will is an extrovert, always wanting to play nicely with Annie. Annie is more of a loner, and gets a bit upset when a friend tries to play "in her face." So I simply ASKED Annie what to play with Will. She suggested they play bunnies (big surprise). Will was SUCH a trooper, even donning bunny ears and eating carrots! There were no squabbles at all! : ) And finally, Annie found that the little magnets on the bottom of her "Pet Shops" allowed them to stick to the tin of the antique pie safe. LOL.

1 comment:

Codruta said...

I see Will! Future love interest for Annie?