Monday, May 3, 2010

Revisiting "Petshop Beach"

Oh my gosh, every single morning these days, Annie awakes and immediately says, "Mamma, will you take my pull-up off? . . . Mamma, will you play with me? . . . Mamma, let's play 'petshop beach'!" Granted, this was a big hit a year ago, but Annie has just rediscovered it again. A great way for Mamma to have her coffee AND join in the fun. Funny story, I remember vividly at three-years-old Leia Rose being very abrasive about anyone else's ideas in regards to play. Annie can be the same way these days: "Mamma, this is MY line of petshops." "Mamma, they are going in a CAR, not a TRAIN!" LOL. It's great to recognize a stage before it gets you down. : )

1 comment:

Codruta said...

Noelle, let me know if you need more pets!