Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day Weekend at the Lake

This was a very special Mother's Day weekend that we got to spend with Brian's whole family! It was a wonderful feeling to see both Brian and his brother, Alan, spend time with their Mom on this special day. Even further, this day was special in that Cassie has little Zachary Robert growing happily in her belly! June 27th is the big day! There were lots of fun times on the lake (even with some rare pics of Mamma & Leia). Leia Rose and Annie presented Grandma with two special pots of violets for Mother's Day as well as their newest ballet picture together. It was really sweet to see the girls love on Alan's and Cassie's Chester as all three of them looked out from the front of the boat together, . . . and Grandpa taught Leia Rose how to drive the boat! Annie had fun pushing Mamma on the hammock, that is when she wasn't bundling in a towel on the boat to escape the cold of that Sunday. : ) We had Mother's Day brunch at The Buffalo Creek Grill, . . . and I couldn't help laughing out loud when Grandpa tried to quiet Annie's I-got-wet-on-the-boatramp crying with, "Crying is not necessary." I just love the photo that makes it look like Leia is driving and Annie is eating, . . . and there's no one else on the boat! Annie, who has been very interested in birds lately, really enjoyed going under the bridges to see the birds building lots of neat mud-nests under there, . . . and we ended Mother's Day with a good burger and Leia making a boy and a girl out of playdough. : )


Nina said...

Lucky, lucky, lucky....

Codruta said...

It looks like you had an awesome Mother's day!