Saturday, May 15, 2010

Silly Bandz

When I was in grade school first it was stickers, then it was friendship pins, and then it was "gummies" (the bracelets). Well now, for Leia, it begins with "Silly Bandz": small rubber bracelets that look "silly" when you are wearing them, but form to a shape when you remove them. It was only a few hours ago that Shenan's mom asked me if I knew what these were. I didn't. She said that Leia could start the trend! (She will.) In asking Leia, she said that she DID see a few middle schoolers wearing them and asked them what they were. Leia said she didn't see any first graders wearing them yet.

Oh my.

Well, our family rarely goes to the Mall, but today we going to do a Build-A-Bear anyway and, guess what, . . . there was a Silly Bandz kiosk right near it!

Oh my.

Yes, I bought each girl one pack. Yes, Leia chose the only pack she could find with a dinosaur-type creature (a plateosaurus and ictheosaurus amid other sea creatures) and yes, Annie chose the only pack she could find with a bunny in it. The current rule is thus: since one pack contains only five shapes (with multiple colors of each shape), absolutely NO more silly bandz will be purchased until the child has traded enough to have only ONE left of each shape. Then we can talk. One pack should really last for a while, I would think, . . . unless trading on the playground gets frantic. ; )

I'm not sure whether to be pleased that I have found another avenue to share fun with my kids, . . . or mortified that I just bought into the latest capitalistic trend. But regardless, I can't wait to have hours of fun trading Silly Bandz with my children, watching them trade together, observing them compile a collection, . . . and creating memories that they can share with their own kids someday. : ) I can't wait to get my own pack of Christian themed ones so that I can trade, too! : )


Nina said...

Kevin has a few of these too. They seemed like nothing to me. Silly, for sure! And break easily. I asked where he got them. "Friends." And I saw a mother retrieving a broken one in the school parking lot. I am thinking... "huh?"

I wish we had found them in a store. I would have bought him a package. :)

Codruta said...

I am so happy this is just innocent fun for the girls! Unfortunately, for the middle school kids, all colors have a meaning, so we can't have them on school property. It is sad, I know.