Sunday, May 2, 2010

Leia as "Mamma" on Daddy Weekend

A garage sale (as you can see in the final pic) and a trip to Chapel Hill (to get Oma's sewing machine) took Mamma away from the family for some of the weekend, so Leia Rose decided very early on to be the "Mamma" of the family. She took the job SO seriously in preparation for the future! : ) She would get up and make breakfast for the family every day, make the beds, read to Annie at night, and after Annie would go to bed, she would work on the computer (ha!). I suppose this is Leia's thoughts of mothering in a nutshell, . . . SO fun to see! Meanwhile, Daddy would take the girls to the Western North Carolina nature center where they saw all sorts of wonderful animals together. It's always nice to have a "Daddy Weekend" once in a while. : )


Nina said...

Who made the lovely quilt?

Codruta said...

Your girls are learning from the best!