Wednesday, June 30, 2010

And a Beautiful Photo of Leia

Annie & The Waterfall

This is the first time in her life that Annie skipped snack to do something: frolic in the waters below the falls of Cade's Cove. The last two pictures are Annie's before & after. Before: dry and warm. After: wet and cold.

Luke & Leia

Mamma's Friend from High School: Cherie (& Family)

Here is my friend Cherie, who is busy raising a wonderful family in Georgia, and who I was lucky enough to reconnect with via Facebook. Since Cherie and her family were vacationing in our area, we decided to meet at The Pisgah Inn for luch. SO much fun! The girls were happy to meet the children: Luke, Amanda, and Burnadette (left to right in the next picture). After lunch, we hiked a nice trail to Cade's Cove Falls. (Just a funny story. Cherie told me that Luke was a little upset that Leia was a "girl" UNTIL he found out her fascination with both dinosaurs and Star Wars, . . . then he found a friend for life. Ha!)

Big Sister / Little Sister

Before Lunch at Pisgah Inn

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Leia's "Disrespectful" Face

Leia is VERY upset that I am putting this picture on the blog. She hates it. Absolutely hates it. (She even hates it when I mimic it!) It is evidence of her only flaw: minor disrespect towards authority (which stems from her intense independence). This is the way Leia Rose looks whenever she is expressing displeasure to what Mamma and Daddy ask. It doesn't happen often, but when it does, oh there is a reprimand waiting in the balance (and often a trip to the thinking corner).

Monday, June 28, 2010

Leia's Requests a Shower

Oh, my little first-born is truly growing up. Leia has been asking and asking to start "showering" instead of taking a bath with her sister. Today it happened: Leia's first "shower." I have a distinct memory of my own first shower, . . . and being upset that I didn't get all the shampoo all out of my hair with no one to instruct me how. I was determined that my daughter NOT have that negative memory, SO this first shower, I stood in between the clear and the cloth shower curtains and answered any questions (and gave suggestions when needed). Sure enough, Leia Rose left a few bubbles at the nape of her neck (my same problem!). She also had a distinct issue remembering to wash the hair directly above her ears (go figure). A couple of quick suggestions on my part, and we were set. I taught her everything from how to change the water flow, to how to avoid that first cold burst, to how to stand out of the stream while washing, to how to wash ALL over her hair, to how to reach for the towel and dry inside the stall so as not to get cold. And, of course, Leia wanted to dry her own hair as well. : )

The Bunningtons & Saint Anthony

Here is Leia's "Bunnington Family," which was a cherished gift from Oma a long time ago. Recently, they became the focus again, until three days ago when Leia lost them. She looked and looked for all three days. I was simply watching her and wondering if she'd remember to ask Saint Anthony (the patron saint of "lost things," and a very special saint to Leia's Great Grandpa Henel) to intercede. By the third day I realized Leia might need a little encouraging. I asked Leia if she had asked Saint Anthony for help. She looked at me in amazement. She hadn't. We stood together and prayed. Our prayer for Saint Anthony's intercession is always the same, "Dear Saint Anthony, please ask Jesus to help me find _______, or if I can't find it, please let a little poor child find it: someone who needs it more than me." Then I turned around and found them immediately, sitting on the forlorn rocking chair in her room. Leia was both excited and moved, as she always is when she knows a prayer has been answered.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Christine & Annie Bunny

Here is Christine, Logan's Mom, proudly displaying Annie's special bunny picture she made on our playdate today. Oh, how I wanted to take it home, but "No, Mamma, it's a present for Miss Christine!" Ah, but a picture will save it for posterity.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Friday, June 25, 2010

Otter Creek Waterpark

Last year Aunt Cassie suggested we try one of the fun water parks in Greenville, . . . and today we finally made it! Lots of fun "squirties" for little kids, two slides for "big kids" Leia's age, one tube slide for everyone, and a pool with a "tadpole slide" that the girls loved. LOTS of summer fun! It was the first of many times we would come back here this summer sometimes just "us" and sometimes with friends. (Next summer we're considering a family membership.) One of Leia's & Annie's favorite visits was with Morgan & Will. Whenever we came, the Annie would want to play the "tap game" (see photo) where she would jump in the pool and try to tap my hand on the way down (of course I had to teach her not to PULL my hand down). Annie also "learned" to do the perfect backstroke on her own (with her life jacket on). She LOVES this stroke. This kid is ready to really swim!!! : ) Perhaps by the end of the summer? And then there was Leia who was brave enough to convince both Morgan AND Mamma to go on the "Whitewater" slide! Straight down three stories! WOW, Leia! I'm so proud of you!!!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Visiting our River Spot with Logan & Liam

Today we went swimming at our favorite river spot with Logan and Liam, . . . it was just beautiful with the rhododendrons all blooming, . . . and even a cluster of tiger-swallowtail butterflies stopping to drink.

Thursday, June 17, 2010