Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Reminiscent of Little Noelle's Sugar & Parmesan Cheese

Okay, although I can't believe that I am taking a picture of a dirty floor, this smattering of oats brings back a big memory for me from my own childhood. The story goes as follows:

When I was about three-years-old, Mom came downstairs to find the sugar tin ajar and sprinkles of crystallized sugar around it. Her first thought was, "Could roaches have done this?" Meanwhile she cleaned it up and secured the lid on the tin tighter than it was originally. On another day, Mom noticed a small pile of Parmesan cheese by the refrigerator with a trail leading away. Again her thoughts turned to possible roaches (although how could roaches have permeated the airtight seal of the refrigerator?). Mom began to follow the trail, . . . which ended in the middle of the stairs with little three-year-old me tipping the Parmesan cheese container directly upside down with the particles of cheese falling directly into my mouth.

So this morning when I awoke, I came into the kitchen and found these flat white "things" powdering the edges of our kitchen. My first thought was, "Oh no! Do we have a mouse here?!?" and then "What could possibly have done this?" As I crouched down, I noticed that they were, in fact, oats (as in dried oats from instant oatmeal). This would have been a strange snack, even for Leia. So I went directly to Leia and asked, "Honey, did you open a package of oatmeal this morning?" She looked at me with an ever-so-guilty face and said, " . . . I opened a package of dinosaur oatmeal and ate the sugar eggs inside, then I threw the oatmeal away. I got a little mad amid my laughter (mostly because Leia was wasting food). But the truth remains: like mother, like daughter! Ha!