Monday, June 28, 2010

The Bunningtons & Saint Anthony

Here is Leia's "Bunnington Family," which was a cherished gift from Oma a long time ago. Recently, they became the focus again, until three days ago when Leia lost them. She looked and looked for all three days. I was simply watching her and wondering if she'd remember to ask Saint Anthony (the patron saint of "lost things," and a very special saint to Leia's Great Grandpa Henel) to intercede. By the third day I realized Leia might need a little encouraging. I asked Leia if she had asked Saint Anthony for help. She looked at me in amazement. She hadn't. We stood together and prayed. Our prayer for Saint Anthony's intercession is always the same, "Dear Saint Anthony, please ask Jesus to help me find _______, or if I can't find it, please let a little poor child find it: someone who needs it more than me." Then I turned around and found them immediately, sitting on the forlorn rocking chair in her room. Leia was both excited and moved, as she always is when she knows a prayer has been answered.

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